Salesforce Admin Prep Notes - User Interface (UI)

The Salesforce user interface (UI) is the platform that allows users to interact with the Salesforce application. SF  provides a modern, customizable, and user-friendly interface. Here are key aspects of the SF user interface:


App Manager: Serves several purposes to help organizations manage and customize their Salesforce applications:

  • Centralized App Management: It provides a centralized location for administrators to view, create, edit, and organize all the applications within their Salesforce org. This includes both standard applications and custom apps developed for specific business processes.
  • App Configuration: Administrators can use the App Manager to configure the settings and properties of each app. This includes defining the app's name, description, logo, and other details that help users identify and understand the purpose of the application.
  • User Access Control: The App Manager allows administrators to control which users or profiles have access to each app. This is important for maintaining security and ensuring that only authorized users can use certain applications within the environment.
  • App Assignment: Administrators can assign specific apps to different profiles or permission sets, allowing for tighter control over who can access and use each application based on their roles and responsibilities.
  • App Installation and Licensing: For organizations using third-party or custom-developed apps, the App Manager makes it easier to perform the installation and management of these applications. It also helps in managing licenses for different apps.
  • App Visibility: It provides a clear overview of all installed apps, helping administrators understand and manage their suite of apps.
  • Customization: The App Manager supports the customization of apps, enabling administrators to tailor the user interface, layout, and functionality of each application to align with specific business requirements.

Home Page

Home page: Serves as the central hub and starting point for users when they log in to the platform. Its main purposes include:

  • Quick Access to Important Information: The home page provides a snapshot of key information and updates, allowing users to quickly see their tasks, calendar events, and recent records. This helps users stay informed about their priorities and upcoming activities.
  • Customizable Dashboards: Users can customize their home page with dashboards that display relevant reports and metrics. This allows for a personalized view of data and performance indicators, empowering users to focus on the information most critical to their roles.
  • Efficient Navigation: The home page offers a launchpad for users to navigate to different parts of the SF platform. It includes links, shortcuts, and quick access buttons, allowing users to move  between various features and modules.
  • Notifications and Alerts: Users receive notifications and alerts on their home page, such as task reminders, system announcements, or updates on records they are following. This helps users stay on top of information and ensures timely responses.
  • Collaboration and Chatter Feeds: SF's collaboration tool, Chatter, often integrates with the home page, allowing users to see real-time updates, posts, and comments from team mates. This increases communication and collaboration within the platform.
  • Recent Items and Records: Users can quickly access recently viewed or updated records directly from the home page. This feature saves  time and effort in searching for specific records.
  • Announcements and News: Administrators can use the home page to display important announcements, news, or company updates. This ensures that users are well-informed about any changes or events within the organization.
  • Task Management: The home page  includes task management features, allowing users to view, create, and manage their tasks. This helps users prioritize their work and stay on top of things.
  • Configuration: Apply standard and custom components, drag and drop components, or update component settings. Just be sure to activate the home page when you have completed the updates.

Tabs and List Views

Tabs and list views: Assist in organizing and presenting data within the platform, enhancing the user's experience .


  • Navigation: Tabs serve as a means of navigation within SF. Each tab represents a different object or application, allowing users to easily switch between  functional areas and modules.
  • Access to Objects: Tabs provide direct access to specific objects, such as leads, contacts, opportunities, and custom objects. Clicking on a tab takes users to the associated object's home page, where they can view, create, and manage records., with appropriate privilege's.
  • Customization: Administrators can customize the tabs that are visible to users, tailoring the SF interface to match the organization's needs. This ensures that users have easy access to the most relevant and frequently used objects.
  • Related Lists: Tabs often include related lists, displaying records related to the main object. For example, the Account tab may include related lists for associated contacts, opportunities, and activities.

List Views:

  • Data Filtering: List views allow users to filter and organize records based on specific criteria. Users can create and save custom list views that display only the records matching certain conditions, making it easier to focus on relevant information.
  • Sorting and Grouping: Users can sort and group records within list views, providing flexibility in how data is presented. This is particularly helpful when dealing with large sets of data, allowing users to identify patterns or trends.
  • Quick Access to Records: List views provide a quick and efficient way to access records without navigating through multiple pages. Users can click on a record in a list view to view or edit it directly.
  • Mass Actions: List views support mass actions, enabling users to perform bulk updates, such as changing the status of multiple records simultaneously. This is a time-saving feature for managing large sets of data.
  • Default Views: Administrators can set default list views for different user profiles or record types. This ensures that users see the most relevant information when they access a particular object's tab.
  • Sharing and Collaboration: List views can be shared with other users or groups, facilitating collaboration and ensuring that teams have consistent views of data.
  • Display: Can be displayed as a grid, Kanban, or split view.

Page Layouts

Page layouts: Play a role in defining the arrangement and organization of fields, related lists, and sections on a record detail page. The primary purposes of page layouts include:

  • User Interface Customization: Page layouts allow administrators to customize the user interface for different types of records (e.g., leads, opportunities, accounts). They determine which fields and related lists are visible and where they are positioned on the record detail page.
  • Relevant Information Display: Page layouts ensure that users see the most relevant information when viewing or editing a record. By organizing fields and related lists logically, administrators can optimize the user experience and streamline data entry.
  • Field Visibility and Read/Write Access: Administrators can control the visibility and editability of fields based on user profiles, record types, and page layouts. This ensures that users only see and interact with the information that is pertinent to their roles and responsibilities.
  • Record Types: Page layouts are often associated with specific record types, allowing for different layouts for different types of records. For example, an opportunity record may have a different layout than a case record, tailoring the interface to the unique requirements of each record type.
  • Related Lists Placement: Page layouts determine where related lists (lists of records related to the main record) are displayed on the record detail page. This helps users quickly access and view related information without navigating to separate pages.
  • Section Organization: Page layouts use sections to organize and group fields and related lists. This helps in presenting information in a structured and intuitive manner, making it easier for users to navigate and understand the content on a record page.
  • Customization for Different User Profiles: Page layouts can be customized for different user profiles within an organization. This ensures that users with different roles and responsibilities have a tailored experience when interacting with records.
  • Enhanced Data Quality: By presenting fields in a logical order and ensuring that users only see and update the necessary information, page layouts contribute to maintaining data quality within the Salesforce org.
  • Page Layout Editor:  Access the page layout editor via the Object Manager. Update elements like fields, related lists, quick actions, and buttons.
  • Assignments: Assign page layouts to the user profiles to ensure that they see the correct page layouts.

Buttons, Links, and Actions

Buttons, links, and actions: Tools that help users interact with and manipulate data within the platform. Let's break down their purposes:


  • Record Manipulation: Buttons are often used to perform actions on individual records. For example, you might have a "Save" button to save changes to a record or a "Delete" button to remove a record.
  • Navigation: Buttons can be configured to navigate users to different pages within Salesforce or external URLs. This is useful for creating custom navigation paths and integrating with external systems.
  • Custom Actions: Administrators can create custom buttons to initiate specific actions or processes. These buttons can invoke custom JavaScript, call Apex code, or trigger workflows, providing flexibility in enhancing SF's functionality. Cool huh?
  • User Interface Enhancement: Buttons can enhance the user interface by providing quick access to commonly used actions. For instance, a "New Task" button on an account page allows users to create a new task associated with that account.


  • Navigation: Links are used for navigation, allowing users to move between different pages or open external websites. They can be placed in various locations, including page layouts, list views, or related lists.
  • Detail Page Access: Record names are often displayed as links on list views, providing a easy way for users to navigate directly to the detail page of a specific record.
  • Related Record Access: Links can be used to navigate to related records. For example, on an opportunity page, you might have links to associated contacts, accounts, or activities.


  1. Quick Record Updates: Actions are designed to provide users with quick ways to update records without navigating to a full edit page. They are often used in list views or related lists to streamline data entry.
  2. Global and Object-Specific Actions: Salesforce supports both global actions (available from any page) and object-specific actions (contextual actions related to a specific object or record type).
  3. Integration with Processes: Actions can be associated with processes, such as creating records, updating fields, or triggering workflows. This helps automate business processes and maintain data consistency.
  4. Customization: Administrators can create custom actions to meet specific business requirements. These actions can be tailored to capture information relevant to the organization's unique processes.

Record Types, Business Process, Path

Record Types, Business Processes, and Paths: Are elements in SF that work together to provide a structured a customized experience for managing records.

Record Types:

  • Page Layout Customization: Each Record Type can have its own page layout, determining which fields and related lists are visible and their order on the record detail page. This allows for a tailored user interface based on the type of record.
  • Workflow and Validation Rules: Record Types enable the application of different workflows and validation rules to different sets of records. This ensures that business processes and rules are specific to the characteristics of each Record Type.
  • Picklist Values: Record Types often come with their own set of picklist values. This allows for the customization of picklist fields based on the context of the record.
  • Permission Control: Record Types can be associated with different user profiles, allowing administrators to control which users have access to specific Record Types. This helps in managing data visibility and access control.

Business Processes:

  1. Workflow Automation: Business Processes define the stages that a record goes through during its lifecycle. This includes the creation of records, updates, and closure. Workflows can be automated based on these stages.
  2. Record Status Tracking: Business Processes often include the concept of record status, helping users and administrators track the progress of records through different stages. This is useful for complex processes like sales cycles or service requests.
  3. Path Guidance: Business Processes can be associated with a Path, providing users with a visual guide that shows the steps and key fields associated with each stage. This helps users understand where a record is in its process and what information is needed at each stage.


  1. Visual Representation: Paths provide a visual representation of the key stages and fields in a business process. This is displayed at the top of the record detail page, offering a clear guide for users.
  2. Guided User Experience: Paths guide users through the steps they need to take when working with a record. It helps ensure that users follow the correct sequence of actions and provide the necessary information at each stage.
  3. Customization: Administrators can customize Paths to match the specific business processes of their organization. This includes defining the stages, updating field guidance, and adding or removing steps as needed.